Compton Heights - A Completely Developed Neighborhood?

The Compton Heights Neighborhood is one of the most beautiful in St. Louis. This neighborhood of 1,315 residents, 72% white, 21% black and 4% Asian lost 9% of its population from 2000-2010.

But it’s not for a lack of unoccupied spaces.

Per the Compton Heights Neighborhood Association, the last remaining empty lot that is not green space or a community garden is being developed on Russell Boulevard right where Hawthorne and Longfellow terminate.

This brings to mind an interesting question, how many of St. Louis’ 79 neighborhoods are “done”, meaning all lots developed? It can’t be very many, maybe St. Louis Hills, Holly Hills, Princeton Heights or Southampton?

Anyhow, it’s good to see a new home rising on this long-vacant, fenced-in lot.

Before construction

Before construction

Construction photo as of publishing

Construction photo as of publishing

I blogged on this single family home construction back in November, 2017.

There is a chance Compton Heights will be on the short list of neighborhoods that will see a population gain after the 2020 Census count. The high rise apartments just up the street toward Grand, across from Compton Hill Reservoir Park have brought a tremendous amount of energy, people walking dogs and using the park. There was even a lane reduction and addition of a bike lane and 45 degree angled parking to accommodate the influx of new residents!

And, the development called Grand Flats, including the former Pelican Building will likely bring some new citizens to the neighborhood.

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Under construction

Under construction

So, I’ll go out on a limb and say Compton Heights will likely add to the list of neighborhoods on the rise in St. Louis’ 2020 Census. The vacancy rate in 2010 was 15%. I’ve witnessed a few homes that were vacant and now occupied in my time living just east of here in the last seven years.

If the vacancy drops even further, this could be a rare example of a St. Louis neighborhood that is built out and fully functional.

Cheers to Compton Heights.

Copyright St. Louis City Talk